jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Awyr Song

This is the story about Awyr from North , better known as Frozen hurricane.
He was born in the village of Lumisade and being the eldest of seven children, he marked history in Midgard. Their exploits were recorded by the gods on the wall of Asgard in singing, now they are just stories for children, children who dream of becoming heroes.

In times when Awyr was just a boy, a terrible war for control of the north marked his childhood and all his brothers . Lumisade , his homeland, was quite isolated between mountains and strategically located between the two major northern cities. So when the war broke out, both sides wanted Lumisade.

In this war until the children had to fight, three brothers of our hero did not survive ...
The village itself was divided into two clans . The Arian and Aur.

All Arian clan carrying a silver hanging, and the Aur clan carrying gold earrings in both ears.

Awyr and his brothers belonged to the clan Arian . Awyr then was about twelve years old in which was to become to adult.

To start the rite of change and prove to be an adult man , Awyr had to spend fifteen nights in the forest without human contact and hunting to survive. It is at that time when his story begins in the eleventh night, when the cold seeped bones and the dark of night desolated the forest where the moon couldn
t show its reflection on the floor ; Awyr with an improvised wooden lance fought to stay awake, because the dangers lurked in every corner you after each tree ... after each noise ...

First Song : The blood of the hero.

Awyr struggled to stay awake that night, unable to speak with anyone or know how were his brothers was beginning to affect him psychologically, sometimes heard noises did not understand and conversations arose in his head although he knew he was alone. He  could hear trivial conversations of his brothers, sometimes they told him what to do, how to take wood or on which stone sharpen his wooden weapon.

At time of day he hunted, while for the nights, he watching, he wasn
t feeling well ... The fatigue was stronger than him That was worse than the war, but he could take this ... At least until that night.

That night a great wolf with two heads appeared. At first the voice of his brothers in his head told him to throw out the weapon and he sleeps, because that wolf wasn
t real, and he listened other unrecognizable voices that told him to run away ... But Awyr wasnt afraid.

Sitting up, looking to the wolf
s eyes coldly, he prepared his attack and the wolf roared fiercely. That beast was at least fifteen feet, its jaws were much larger than the body of the young hero. But nothing mattered and he threw his wooden lance to the wolf. The lance guided by Odin blinded the wolf, angering it. The blood running down its eye down to its mouth.

When the wolf licked its own blood, it jumped on Awyr giving brutal claws him that left him wounded. The hero digging his nails climbed up a tree where he could shelter from the monster.

It didn
t reach the tree but didnt matter it. The monster decided to wait to he comes down or, in any case, he die bleeding. Awyr could feel every breath was the last, but he had faith. Odin led his lance to the eye of the monster, that was the only explication of how he could have given ... If Odin helped him, thought the young hero, why not comes down from the tree and kill the wolf with his own hands?

Awyr comes down tree and fell awkwardly near the wolf, a few meters, it roared him with a defiant look. The young hero wasn
t afraid, he felt that something was awakening in him.

The two-headed wolf tried to bite with his rage but Awyr held him preventing close its teeth.

Several minutes passed both in the same position. This is when the hero felt the presence of someone behind him. Someone who supported him.

Maybe it was the large amount of blood loss or that he was more dead than alive but ... Behind him were his brothers, dead time ago, giving unconditional support.

Awyr forces multiplied and the wolf had to retreat. With renewed strength Awyr started running in circles, his enemy couldn
t follow him with its remaining three eyes and every time that it tried to attack , the hero dodged it easily .

In one of the desperate monster attacks, Awyr managed to pull the lance of the wolf
s eye and jumped to its loins.

Pointing the lance to the heart said: -
Creature of legend, stop the fight because I've hunted you and now my lance could kill you. Listen carefully Y'urd the great wolf , I forgive your life and I propose you a pact . Henceforth you accompany my ways and you help me as a blood brother, I promise to do the same-.

The mythological wolf understanding the words of Awyr fall slowly, it allowed the hero lose his loins.

Wolf changes its gaze to a less fierce and Awyr making a scratch on the palm of his hand stretched to its snout. It licked his blood as sign of covenant.

This agreement was known as
the blood of the hero.

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